I’m not ready!

Ok N is in pre-k and she is doing extremely well. Last month her class started having weekly spelling bees. They started with five words then they added words every week. Well there plan is to take off words once everyone in  the class of 20 learns them. They are now up to 12 words as you can see above. Well for the last two spelling bees N has been the only one to spell all the words correctly. Now as if that wasn’t enough today they decided to give the kids their first spelling test. As you can see my baby spelled all her words correctly. Now I know it doesn’t look like she spelled all correctly because 12 looks like 12. The words are

1 was

2 for

3 the

4 to

5 and

6 in

7 of

8  he

  9 it

10 that

11 you

12 is

For those who don’t know they excuse letters written backwards in pre k and kindergarten. Now I was excited and happy when I got the news but then her teacher goes on to tell me that N read to her.  I knew she knew all her words  and I wasn’t surprised when she wrote them all down today. But to hear that she actually read a whole book today was shocking. I had no idea my baby could read. I knew she knew some words but I’ve never heard her read a whole book cover to cover. Well today she read “Biscuit” for me when she came home from school. To watch her take her time sounding out the words was beautiful to me. I found myself getting extremely sad. Not because she’s reading but because she’s growing up so fast. Before you know it she will be graduating or going off to college. I am truly not ready and I don’t think I will ever be ready.

5 Minutes for Photography-Filling the frame


Random photos

My 4 little angels. J is 6 going on 60, N is 5 but she thinks she is 15, S is 3 soon to be 4 and last but not least Z aka Big Country is 2 going on 21. S is the only one that doesn’t try to act older than she really is. They are what my random shots will usually be about. If they will allow it. Because although I have thousands of pictures of them  they usually don’t like when I take pictures of them.

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